Qualifications for Elders
Elder Defined:
- presbyteros (Acts 11:30; 1 Timothy 5:17): Literally, elder. Part of a ruling council.
- episkopos (1 Peter 2:25): Literally, overseer. Watchman, guardian.
- poimain (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11): Literally, shepherd.
- hegeomai (Hebrews 13:7, 17, 24): Literally, leader. Governor.
- didaskolos (Ephesians 4:11): Literally, teacher.
- oikonomos (Titus 1:7): Literally, steward. One whom the master puts in charge of other servants.
Key Points Regarding Elders:
- “Elder” = “bishop” = “pastor” These titles are interchangeable (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-2)
- God first ordained the office of “Elder” in the Old Testament (Numbers 11:16ff)
- All elders are ordained with the laying on of hands by other elders (1 Timothy 5:22)
- All elders must be able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9)
- All elders do teach: each in his particular ministry and all as needed
- Elders are authoritative over the local assembly (Hebrews 13:7)
- All elders govern: each in his particular ministry and all in general oversight
- Federal body (council) is authoritative over individual fellowships (Acts 15:2)
- The office of elder, consisting as it does of the duty to teach the church, is reserved for men only (1 Timothy 2:12)